
Well this is just a test to see if any 1 still reads this blog. If u did read it plz leave a comment thx :)

-Wisest potato eva!


SSPK is back… again?

By: “EFF_RedFox_FL3” A.K.A “SSPK_M4Special” (VP/ex member)

Well the title kinda explains itself… apparently SSPK is back again! :)

I was on palringo today when an assortment of old members came on and the idea came to mind that we should bring back SSPK for Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation.

I Believe that in order to make SSPK successful again, there is a few things that must be accomplished and that need to be said first of all…

1.) I am sure you remember Vicohen, the leader and founder of original SSPK. well it was rumored a long time ago he would return to make SFO (Stay Frosty Ops.) or his new clan for mc3 but this highly unlikely because i havent heard from him in almost 5 months, the last time seeing him he was on for like 10 minutes. So Vic dude if u read this… we’d love to have u rejoin and have u possibly lead again.

2.) NBL, Prodigy’s clan has ended, and also he has retired mc and pal to start a business called “Voltaic Pixel”… i guess its fixing computers or something but anyways good luck to him u were an excellent vp and loyal member to SSPK aswell.

3.) I’ve noticed that lots of old SSPK’s are returning. plz welcome them back and if u see any on mc or gll then plz message them and tell them to come onto palringo. also, recruiting will be necessary, we cant rely on original members alone… testers/recruiters will be figured out later.

Thats about it for now… plz feel free to comment below with any ideas/concerns/etc. This is M4 signing out

P.S. Also lets bring back the motto. “We dont just kill (fail m4 :P) shoot… We think!” i think its good :)


The end

dear every 1 SSPK_wisepotato here. SSPK started the day mc2 came out, ended. started again and is now ending again. I loved being the president of such a great clan thank u all for being so loyal do not think this is the last time u will be in SSPK because r founder SSPK_Vicohen will soon be bringing it back(or if I have another crazy idea to start it again) so look forward to that. plz stay in touch with each other and still chat in _SSPK_. prodigy is starting a new clan the name is not deffanent but would love to have u. I will still be active and hope u stay active to. long live the next SSPK. this it SSPK_wisepotato signing off



hello every 1 wisepotato here, just so y’all know I will be gone at camp till Thursday, so if u need any thing ask prodigy or chaos. sry I meant to do this before but iv been pretty busy

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tourney starts now!!

hello, I finalyyyyyyy figured out how to make links on the website(no I don’t ride the short bus it’s hard). look at the Bracket pm the player u play decide the map/rules and take a screen shot and send it to me on pal. to make sure it doesn’t take a really long time u will have a 5 day maximum then u will be disqualified sry but I don’t want it to take to long. but if u msg ur partner and they don’t reply for all 5 days I will move u on.

PS SSPK_chaos has returned and well take the spot of vp again

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Dis iz ChAoS. Wassup? I have been inactive for quite a while. Palringo ” juiced ” the groups removing inactive people such as I. May I rejoin, or come back to my family?


New ppl

hello every 1, we have been losing some members recently. I believe this Is kinda my fault, I have been slightly inactive. sorry about that but I have had a LOT of stuff happening but things should be less crazy now so I will be more active. but still we need more members, so if u would plz take some time and advertise on the app store or on palringo(if u do palringo plz make sure that group allows adds)thank you, plzz do this it helps alot

PS I have the bracket for the tourney but I’m not really good at using this web site yet(slow) and idk how to put links up so I ask famouzz and we will have it up shortly



Hey every 1 wise here I got a few things to talk about so let’s just jump into the goodies shall we. first up the the tournament. it’s not to late to sign up so do it now cause I’ll have a bracket soon and then it will be to late. Next up is SSPK_famouzz, as some of u might know I finally convinced him to be President with me a week or so ago so now we both r prez. Next is daily games, I told u guys to vote on a time but NO ONE HAS so until u do I will be hosting a game every day at 9pm EST. Ok all most done 1 more to go M4speical. as some of you know m4 has had the privilege of joining TFF NO he did not betray us when we first restarted SSPK m4 told me “I’ll stay until SSPK is an active clan again then I’m going to try for TFF” thanks so much m4 I don’t think SSPK would have made it with out u. famouzz might also have the privilege of joining another clan to try out. Keyword MIGHT, not that he’s not good, he’s beast, but might want to stay in SSPK. don’t think SSPK will end be cause these epic ppl might leave the only way it’ll end is if every 1 of u decide to give up on it. this is SSPK_wisepotato signing off

P.S. I just did the signing off to try and sound epic u can tell me if it was an epic phale idc lol


Daily games

hey every 1 wise here, I was thinking the other day about are weekly game and I decided that I might as well do daily games! So I will be hosting a game every day now. I made a poll a few weeks ago about the time but I forgot to say a time zone, and since there are 24 hours in a day instead of a poll just comment on what time in eastern standard time, if you r confused about the time zone and what time it would be in est send me a message. and since it’s every day I will miss some, m4 will host in my appsence (yes I misspelled that idc) I will try to make a post but if I have no time and u can’t join my match cause I’m not there wait a few minutes then join m4

PS to join my matches enter SSPK_wisepotato and for m4’s SSPK_m4special


New Name? (for M4Special)

So yeah, the name of the post kind of gives it away. I really want a new name because I’ve had M4Special for a LONG time and I feel it’s not as cool anymore :( . The problem is I think of names that are really cool and everyone says too me “No M4Special is the coolest name.” or something like that. Is it just because I’ve been known as M4Special for so long that it’s kinda stuck :O ? Please comment below on how you feel about my possible name change, I really want to know. Also if you are FOR the name change please give suggestions (that aren’t dumb). That is all for now!
-M4Special (VP)